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Uttarakhand South-West

Photo copper waterpot

Students, water problems
and water solutions

In 2009 a group of students from Delhi went to the Himalayas to meet villagers and learn about their lives. They were very impressed about the big problems. They met also enthusiasm to fight for a solution. In their report they wrote: “In all we came across a cobweb of problems related to water in that area and came very close to understanding that ‘water is life’. On the other hand we were amazed at the enthusiasm of some of the local villagers towards bringing about the change in the existing system. A Pani Panchayat (Water Forum) was organized by the villagers in which the zest within their hearts was evident. In that meeting the villagers took many decisions regarding cleaning and restoration of their springs.” Read more: article or report.


 Villagers constructed these check dams to prevent erosion by the heavy monsoon rains.

Water Forums in the Villages

Safe drinking water and good soil moisture - water is so important for a healthy village life. Villagers dig small ponds to collect rain water. They plant trees for good humid humus. And they build filters to get safe drinking water. Small organisations help the villagers by organising meetings and work camps and giving information. Himcon is such an organisation. Read more: article.


Water Issues in the Himalayas. Activities under-taken by Himalaya Seva Sangh and its partner organizations on water and sanitation issues in the Himalayan region. About: water forums, ponds and springs, filter for clean drinking water, work camp and march, newsletter and documentation center. Download the report (Word document, 28 KB).


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Photos: Himcon, Uttarakhand - Creative Commons