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Via Campesina:

No To Violence Against Women

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for bigger picture click on this photoLeaflet of Via Campesina.

"(..) In all societies throughout the world women and girls are the victims of economic discrimination, psychological and sexual abuse and physical violence, in both public and private life. Domestic violence, malnourishment, human trafficking, sexual harassment, genital mutilation, forced marriages, 'hounour' killings and femicide and rape in times of war are all symptoms of this horrific trend. Furthermore, women and girls make up 70% of those living in extreme poverty across the globe.

(..) Women farmers are subjected to acute social and economic exclusion and oppression. That is why La Via Campesina has decided, as a farmers' movement, to mobilise against this injustice."

for bigger picture click on this photoLocal radio stations can do a lot to fight violence against women.

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Photos: Via Campesina; Peasant Autonomy - Creative Commons